School UDISE (Unified District Information System for Education) CODE NO 19170107320




Minimum Age Required as on 31 March of the year of Admission.

Nursery : 3 Years Completed.

Class 1 : 6 Years Completed.

Add one year for each subsequent Class.

Manipulating date of birth to suite the criteria above is an offence.

If the information provided in the application is found to be misinterpreted/ misrepresented/ inaccurate/ false/ or manipulated, the school retains the discretion to refund any fees paid.

Right of admission to school reserved by the school.

School Information Book updated as on 31st March, 2023





The Bhawanipur Gujarati Society was founded in 1928. Later the name of the Society was changed to the Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society.

The Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society School is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi and is a Co-Educational School.

The institutions run by the Society are :

The Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society Sschool. (ICSE) The Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society School. (ISC) The Bhawanipur Education Society College. The Bhawanipur DesignAcademy.




To provide comprehensive, skill based quality education at affordable cost. To create compassionate, responsible and innovative global citizens committed to the development of our nation.




To inculcate in every student the respect of human dignity, to develop a strong secular ethos in them so that they evolve as dynamic yet caring citizens of tomorrow.



To be the centre of excellence in the field of education, in keeping with the rich heritage of India, and instill the Indian tradition and values in the young minds.



Our objectives are to...

            Lead through excellence in the realms of academics, culture, sport and social service. Nurture the individual through providing a relevant, integrated learning environment. Develop confidence, self-belief, and the ability to work as part of a team.

            Encourage self-control, awareness and motivation, thereby encouraging empathy towards others and an appreciation of the differences among people.

            Create a safe, supportive, and friendly environment in which justice and equity are seen to prevail. Promote democratic principles, so that democracy is a lived experience based on respect for others, and for their opinions, beliefs, values and rights.

            Maintain strong moral, ethical and spiritual values.

            Provide opportunities to exercise initiative and leadership by fully participating in the life of our school.

            Develop the potential for, and responsibilities of, leadership in areas of social and economic endeavor.

            Contribute to the future of humanity.

The school is divided in two sections, as under :

Primary Section          :                   Classes: Nursery — 4

Secondary Section      :                   Classes : 5 —10





The BGES School (ICSE) is run through fully automated management system commonly known as SS

13.1 in conjunction with its website Each student has an individual profile which can be accessed through personalised ID and password issued to each student at the time of admission. All information with students records are available. The student is able to interact with the school through this personal portal, be it for paying fees and various other charges, request for absence from school, request for participation in various activities, request for transfer Certificate, apology letter and various other functions. Also through a special tab 'Contact Us', through which the parents can send their queries to the school. Combined with this is the Notice Board on the school Web site which is kept updated at all times. The school has integrated Email sending and SMS messaging to the SS 13.1 facilitating a smooth flow of information to the students and guardians. All this has been done in view to minimise the requirement of parents and guardians to visit school for small administrative problems.



The BGES School (ICSE) has a notification Application as a replacement of Bulk sending SMS. The School Notification  App “The BGES School (ICSE)” is now available on Google play store  link as follows as also as per screen shot given below.

Once you download the app you will be automatically registered in the school management System SS 13.1 enabling the student/parent receive notifications sent from the School.

Log In ID and Password will be same as for School Management System SS 131.

The App will be available only for Android phone. Not compatible with I Phones.

School from time to time will send information through the notification App for the convenience of the students and parents. This will be information in addition to the OFFICIAL NOTICE put up on the school Notice Board available on the school Website, which shall be treated as the official communication.

While communicating with the school please do not use WA messaging on any of the school numbers/Principal’s Number/DHM’s Number/Teacher’s Number. All communication to school are to be made through E Mail through contact us.

When communicating with the school Please mail through contact us from student’s portfolio ONLY. Log in to student’s portfolio. On to right Tab "Other Menus" click and then click "Contact us". 




          SCHOOL DIARY

Each student is issued one school diary for each Academic Year. The diary contains the school calendar of events. During the year the student record is maintained in the Diary. All  Parents /  guardians are requested to familiarize themselves thoroughly with contents of the school diary. The School Diary is the property of the school and must always be kept safely.  Loss must be immediately reported to the school. A new school Diary may be issued on payment of Rs. 150/- (One Hundred Fifty only which includes Cost  and Fine.)

Each year on the 1st day of the Academic year and on a scheduled day as per the School Calendar  the     salient points of the School Diary are explained to the students and parents of newly admitted  students respectively.

Deliberate loss/ defacing to destroy remarks noted in any page is a serious breach of discipline. Such students will not be allowed in school till the School Diary is found or defacing undone.

Once, at the time of admission, a School Information Book will be issued. It is the duty of the parents and students to keep it updated through notices issued on the School Notice Board        (Website). 

The School Information Book contains all the important rules and regulations and guidelines.  A Prayer Book will also be issued once, at the time of admission, which has to be returned to school at the time of leaving.

Loss of School Information Book and Prayer Book must immediately be reported to the School. A new School Information Book and / or a Prayer Book may be issued on payment of Rs. 150/- (Rupees one hundred and fifty only) which includes loss and fine charge.  




The school has four houses named after famous national leaders Tagore (represented by the colour Yellow), Patel (represented by the colour Red), Nehru (represented by the colour Green) and Gandhi (represented by the colour Blue).

The resultant effect thereof is evident from the healthy competitive spirit that is ushered in between the said houses / Students.

The House system has great advantages of breaking a large community into smaller, more personal units, and thereby building a sense of loyalty and healthy competition.

We seek to install values and have our students emulate them though our House System. Each student and staff member is placed in a "House" in The BGES School ( ICSE), remains in the House until they leave.

Each House has an even distribution of varied groups, cultures, boys and girls.


The goals of the House System are to :

Promote healthy participation and competition in many activities.

          Provide opportunities for students from all cultures to interact and collaborate in a positive, constructive manner.

To inspire students to adopt the ideals and philosophies of the people after whom the houses are named, and to lead and contribute to the society in similar ways.

Benefits of the House System:

Student Focus : each student is treated as an individual not just one more student in a large group.

         A caring, supportive environment: each student becomes a valued member of a small 'family unit' within a larger 'family' within the whole school.

Respect, consideration and courtesy: Support for the vast majority of our students who already want to learn and behave.

Positive self esteem amongst students and value of the ethos of the school community. Equality of opportunity and encouragement to realize an individual's full potential. Building of an individual's strength within a group and bonds with other students of all ages. Peer support to combat bullying.

          Promotion of the 'Student Voice,' Student Responsibility, Team skills, Leadership skills and Co-operation. Extra-Curricular activities which enrich broaden and round off the experience of our          students. Development of personal and social skills and well-being.



Definition:- Prefect (from the Latin Praefectus, " make in front," i.e. put in charge). In context of schools, a prefect is a pupil who has been given a limited authority over the other pupils in school. This system helps the students to develop a sense of responsibility towards their juniors. It also helps them to develop leadership qualities.

Students who can set an example for others in discipline, academics, sports & extra-curricular activities & co-curricular activities are selected as prefects. All the prefects are from the senior classes and true to their adage - Example is better than Precept.



The BGES School Prefect System:

The BGES School Prefect system was derived from the prefect concept of student government traditions in the public schools of Great Britain and many college preparatory schools in this country. Prefects enforce rules & regulations, while setting a good example, and serve on various committees providing them with extended experience in the responsibility and exercise of leadership.


The broadest concept of leadership is projected in the Prefectural System. The school expects all prefects to uphold the integrity & traditions of academics with dignity, good humour and sustained effort in all ways, at all times and in all places.

The System :

All the students of the school belong to one of the four houses i.e. Gandhi, Nehru, Patel & Tagore. This house system forms an integral part of our school. It helps to co-ordinate various activities and leads to the building up of esprit de corps and camaraderie of a lasting nature among students. Each house is placed under a House Master/ Mistress, who is directly responsible for the selection and grooming of the members of the house for the various competitions. House prefects take the responsibility of the overall discipline of the school on rotation basis.

School appointment includes the Headboy and the Headgirl followed by the Prefects and then the Captains and Vice-Captains.

The Headboy and the Headgirl are the roles of prominent papillary responsibility. They are responsible for representing the school at events, and therefore must be able to make public speeches. They are also expected to lead the fellow prefects in their duties. They are the ones who take the sole responsibility to look onto the day-to-day management of the prefects as well as looking after the school and creating a link between the teachers and the pupils.

The House Prefect is guided in his/her tasks by a team of teachers. Regular Inter-House competitions in various co-curricular and extra- curricular activities are held throughout the year, aimed at fostering healthy rivalry and a competitive spirit. Houses compete with each other to keep the house flag high and win the trophy.

The Prefectural System forms the backbone of the life in the school. Initiatives and capabilities of individual students are continuously watched and those with inherent or cultivated leadership qualities are selected as prefects.


Importance of being a Prefect :

Prefects are chosen by the teachers because of their character and leadership qualities. If a student is responsible, industrious, firm and relatively good in his studies, he should make a good prefect. Though being a prefect is prestigious, it comes with a lot of responsibilities. A prefect's responsibility is not limited to the specific duties of his position. All prefects are expected:

To be the ultimate example for both peers and juniors in terms of behaviour and dress. Be supportive in all House Events, participating in as many as possible.

Be sure that the House members support teams in a positive and supportive way. Help staff in updating the House Board.

Perform general prefect Duties.

Duties of a Prefect :


1.         Prefects will report at 0820h in the library and the Head boy & the Head girl will take instructions from the Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress to be passed onto the prefects.

2.         By 0825h all Prefects will be in their classes of responsibility. They will carry out checking out of uniforms and turnout.

3.         In case of absence of Class Teacher, the prefect will take attendance in the log book and sign. A chit be sent to the Office for entering attendance in School Soft 13.1

4.         At 1140h daily Prefects will be on duty as given below to ensure that all the students enter the school and are sitting in their classes by 1150h

a.  Head boy & Head girl                              Outside and ground floor

b.  Gandhi House Prefects                            1st Floor

c.  Nehru House Prefects                              2nd Floor

d.  Patel house Prefects                                 3rd Floor

e.  Tagore House Prefects                             4th Floor


5.         Dispersal Duties to be carried out as per schedule:



a. Head boy & Head girl

Outside and ground floor

b. Gandhi House Prefects



c. Nehru House Prefects

2nd Floor

d. Patel house Prefects



e. Tagore House Prefects




6.        The Assistance during Inter School and Intra School Activities. The teacher responsible will ask the Head boy/Head girl to detail on required number of prefects.

7.        In the absence of class teacher and stand by class teacher, prefects will take the attendance of the class and give the name of the absentees to AD & RMJ. The prefects will enter the same in the Log book & Sign.

8.        The Head boy will maintain a repair and maintenance register in which all the prefects will note down the repair and maintenance required of their class of responsibility. The Head boy will place the register on the Headmaster's table daily at 1430h and take it at 0820h the next day. The Head girl will take charge of this duty in the absence of the Head boy.




A Prefect will :

Value and keep our school rules

Provide an excellent model of behaviour for other students Pe helpful towards teachers, parents and school visitors Be courteous at all times

Be reliable and responsible

Be helpful and kind to students in need

Report all incidents of concern to appropriate teachers Care for school property

Avoid all forms of discrimination


Uniform :

A Prefect will :

Wear full school uniform

Encourage other children to wear school uniform Wear their badge with pride



A Prefect will :

Participate fully in school activities Support all school activities

Respect the rights of others at all times Accept directions willingly

Be co-operative with teachers and fellow students Care for others, especially smaller or younger children Respect teachers and visitors to our school

Report any incidents of bullying





"I                                       having been appointed as the prefect of                       house, do solemnly


affirm that I will faithfully discharge the functions of the prefect and will devote myself to the service & welfare of


the students of my school. I will always uphold the rules, regulations & traditions of The BGES School.













SIGNED :                                                                                 DATE                                                    






Please Note: Should a prefect's behaviour not meet the code of behaviour, it will be grounds for the loss of the prefect status. Such possible action would involve consultation with parents.













PARENT'S SIGNATURE :                                                                DATE:                                                



Normally the Admission process is open throughout the year for the next Academic year. To draw public attention, notice and newspaper advertisements are taken out in mid November every year. Admission to Classes 9 and 10 is not granted.


The following documents are required to be uploaded in a digital format during/at the end of admission process.

Proof of date of Birth.

Transfer Certificate in original (For admission to class 2 onwards). Hard copy to be submitted to school

Proof of Address.

Certificate showing Blood Group. Passport photograph of the child.

All new admission students are permitted to wear their previous school (if attended) uniform or home clothes if no previous school has been attended, till the new uniform is provided or one month from first date of attendance whichever is earlier.

Parents / Guardians must fill in the admission forms with utmost accuracy. No subsequent changes will be permitted. The student seeking admission should be well versed with the syllabus of the class immediately below to which they seek admission.

Admission to The BGES School(ICSE) is not available for students who have not cleared the passing examination of the class for which admission is sought, either for retention in the same or for promotion to the next class. Science/Commerce separation starts from class 8. Science stream is not offered to New Admission candidates.

For admission to the School there will be no written tests or interviews. Candidates are encouraged to interact freely with the teachers during their visit to enable the school to judge the mental development, physical ability, basic communication and comprehension skills. Parents are permitted to be present with the child and participate in the interaction; both parents are required to be present for lower classes. This will help the school to establish the degree of personal attention required.

Counseling parents and guidance sessions from classes 1 onwards will be held to ensure the student is able to settle down and grasp the school standards at the earliest as also to identify the areas if at all that require special individual attention.




l  Application open from 01 Aug every year.

l  Open the website

l  Click on “Application for new admission” link. Scroll down and click again on “Application for new admission” link.

l  Please read the page carefully and then click on “I agree & continue" to accept all the rules, regulations and norms of the school .

l  You will be taken to “” an ABP initiative site. Go through the details and click on “Apply Now”.

l  Before filling up the form you have to register your mobile number by clicking on “Sign up here”.

l  Enter your mobile number and click “Send OTP”

l  Enter OTP and click “Verify OTP”

l  “Create Login Credential” page will open where fill up the details and press “Submit”. Your user id and password will be registered and it will show “Thank you for your registration. Go to Home page Click”. Click on it and it will take you back to Home page.

l  In the Home Page click on “Admission”.

l  Search for the school name “The BGES School (ICSE)”. Click on the school name and press “Apply Now”

l  Click on New Applicant. Fill the Date of Birth and session and click “Check Availability”

l  Select Eligible Class and click “Proceed”.

l  Read the Instruction to fill up the form. Press “Next”.

l  Application Form will open. Fill up all the details given in the form. No field marked * to be left blank and press “Preview”.

l  The preview of the Application Form will come up on the screen. If the information are correct click “Proceed” or click “Back” to correct the form.

l  When clicked on “Proceed” it will take you to the Payment page. Click the check box and press “Make payment”.

l  You will be taken to Payment gateway page where select the options and make the payment.

l  Print the Receipt and the Application Form.

l  The acknowledgement of uploading admission form to the school website will be available on the Email id given in the form within 48h of making the payment.

l  Print the acknowledgement. Study the acknowledgement carefully and in details.

l  You are given an application number and password for reopening the acknowledgement.

l  Please see Admission Policy/ Criteria for categorization/ Additional information for students seeking admission.

l  You may collect hard copy of school prospectus from school front office on any working day by showing the acknowledgement or alternatively same can be downloaded from URL



The objective is to ensure that the admission procedure is non-discriminatory, rational and transparent and that the children and their parents are not subjected to admission tests and interviews in order to decide the admission.

Starting from the admissions to the Academic Session 2011-2012 the school admission policy has been based on the under mentioned guidelines for all categories:


No capitation fee of any kind to be paid to any one in connection with the admission to the school.

At the entry level, that is at Pre - primary and Class 1 admission, no screening procedure will be followed either for the child or the parents.


At the entry level no profiling of the child based on parental educational qualification will be done.

From Class 1 onwards no screening procedure will be adopted, however all candidates are advised to take the counseling sessions as per school guidelines.


All candidates seeking admission above Pre Primary level will undergo a counseling session to make them aware of the school, its activities and academic requirements. At the same time the school would familiarize itself with students to understand the degree of support required to cope with the existing class levels, to be able to give a conductive environment for the overall development of the child. And also as a guide for the assessment of the learning process, present and future, there after arm the school to put into practice continuous and comprehensive evaluation of teacher and student learning.


Last date for payment is given in the notice for admission/ announced at the time of granting admission. Admission stands automatically cancelled if payment is not made by the last date as declared. No claim for admission can be made on account of late payment. FEES ONCE PAID ARE NON REFUNDABLE. All prospective candidates are encouraged to take the counseling session before school starts about the procedure to grant admission based on the existing policy, rules and regulations, before the school session starts.


Admission to the desired class from class 2 ( inclusive) can only be given if the child has passed his previous class and all supporting documents to that effect are produced for verification to the school. Responsibility of presumption of passing /applying in anticipation is the sole responsibility of the parents/guardian.

Candidates applying for admission to a particular class while waiting/ studying in previous class may in good faith be granted provisional admission on the basis of application and information furnished to the school. However final admission to the class will be subject to fulfilling the complete eligibility criteria for the class in which admission is sought. Class of admission once applied, cannot be changed.


1.         The Children of Gujarati lineage in order of longest blood lineage.

2.         The Children of ex-students in order.

     Both parents

     Father ex-student

     Mother ex-student

3.         In serial 2, priorities will be given if applicant has lineage of degree of generation.

4.         Children of Gujarati lineage as per serial 1 and also ex - student as in serial 2 will be higher on the priority list.

5.         Priority will be given to the children whose blood siblings are already studying in the school, followed by siblings studying in sister institutions.

6.         Non- Gujarati lineage applicants will be prioritized under the same criteria separately and after Gujarati lineage applicants.

7.         Prioritizations will be done in all categories on the basis of distance from home to school and also the existing transportation facilities available for the child.

8.         Affordability of fees.

9.         The wards of teachers and other staff will be given priority.

10.     The children seeking admission due to their parents' transfer from another city will be prioritized within the broader category they fall in.

11.     Girl students will be given priority as and when possible and required.

12.     Priority to the children of single parent in accordance with circumstances.




Classes 5 to 8

1.                First Language - English

2.                Second Language* - Gujarati / Hindi / Bengali.

3.                Mathematics

4.                History & Civics

5.                Geography

6.                Science Physics, Chemistry, Biology

7.                Computer Studies

8.                Arts Education

9.                Third Language* - Hindi / Bengali/ Gujarati

10.             Education in Moral and Spiritual Values

11.             Physical Education / Yoga

12.             General Knowledge

13.            Socially Useful Productive work and Community Service (SUPW)


*  Depending on the number of students opting for it



Classes 9 & 10 (Any one group)




GROUP A ( Commerce)


GROUP B ( Science )






Hindi or Gujarati* or Bengali*


Hindi or Gujarati* or Bengali*


History Civics & Geography


History Civics & Geography






Commercial Studies


Science (Physics. Chemistry. Biology)


Computer Applications


Computer Applications




*  Depending on the number of students opting for it.


All students must attend classes of Value Education. which deal with moral principles. values and rules of conduct, A student must strive to attain qualities of mind and heart and integrate into his life virtues such as honesty, sincerity, piety, compassion, generosity, love for nature and self-reliance.

Council Criteria of Subjects.


(Annual Examination for class 9 and board examination for class 10)

The student has to enter and sit for minimum 6 subjects and attain the pass standard in at least 5 subjects which must include the subject English. Also to attain a pass grade in SUPW




First, Third

Monday - Friday


& Fifth Saturdays

Pre Primary Section




8.30-12 noon


Last time for Dispersal 12.10 pm

Nursery Class

Kindergarten Class

Primary Section


8:30 - 1:50 pm

Last time for Dispersal - 2:00 pm.

Classes : 1- 4

Thereafter at 2:30 pm

Secondary Section

8:30 - 12:00 Noon

8:30 - 2:30 pm

Allowed to leave school at 2:30 pm

Classes : 5 - 10

on their own. Normally 2nd and 4th


Saturdays are closed for all classes



It is a very important aspect of accountability of school towards the students specially so for the primary section. At the same time the school is not to be allowed to turn into a crèche after school hours, therefore the Pre primary Dispersal will close at 1210h and open thereafter 1350h. All children not picked up in time will have to be taken with the explicit permission of the Deputy Headmistress. Primary dispersal will close at 1400h and open thereafter at 1430h. The children will be allowed to go home without any checking of Escort Card of physical checking (Except The "DB PARTY") the responsibility of any adverse consequence will be of the parents. Dispersal for Pre- Primary and Primary Section is done strictly on production of Escort Cards issued by the School.

Note: If an Escort Card is submitted in spite of the child being absent from school, the same has to be collected from the reception against submission of Apology Letter’ (to be printed from School Soft) by parents only.

There has been a case where a Parent has questioned the school’s verification procedure for handing over the child without the Escort Card. In view of the above, the following instructions should be followed strictly-

- Every time a Parent/ Guardian does not bring the Escort Card to collect the child, a written application, along with a printed photocopy of ID proof has to be submitted to school office and a temporary escort slip taken to collect the child, only for that day. 


NOTE :            Timing for the first day of the Academic Year



Prayer & Attendance



Class Teacher's Period. Reading & Explaining the School Diary.

All students to fill their particulars on all pages where ever indicated.






1st Period


5th period


2nd Period


6th Period


3rd Period


7th Period


4th Period


8th Period



The procedure for applying is as follows –

STEP 1 - Login (from Student’s ID)

STEP 2 - Letter ( click on this menu)

STEP 3 - Application for Didi Bhaiya ( Click on this drop down to apply)

STEP 4 - Once the application is approved, Parents will receive an email from the school to their registered email ID

STEP 5 – Once the approval is received the student can join the DIDI BHAIYA party from next day.

Procedure for collection of your ward Didi Bhaiya party

If your elder child is present in school then only, he/ she will be allowed to show the ‘Escort Card’ at 2.30 p.m. and collect your child from ‘Didi Bhaiya’ room.

If your elder child is present in school but has to stay back after 2.30 p.m., then at 2.30 he/she will come with the ‘Escort Card’ to the ‘Didi Bhaiya’ room, collect his/her sibling and hand over to the parent or guardian.

If your elder child is absent from school then you may collect your child from ‘Didi Bhaiya’ room, only at 2.30, by showing the ‘Escort Card’ to the Teacher-in-Charge.

Please adhere to these procedures for the safety and security of your child and kindly do not collect your child directly from class at 1.50 p.m., by putting the ‘Escort Card’ in the basket, in which case the school will   discontinue the ‘Didi Bhaiya’ facility with immediate effect, for the safety of the child in question.



In case of unscheduled bandhs / strikes or inclement weather or any other unforeseen eventuality the classes may be suspended for a corresponding duration. The final information with regards to classes being suspended or otherwise will be available with the security from 0645h on that particular day through telephone numbers 033-4019 666/6600, also on School website from 0645h onwards on that particular date. The loss of a working day will be compensated on a non working Saturday with prior notice. Mostly 5th Saturdays will be used for such compensation. Information regarding unforeseen suspension of classes will be sent through SMS also. No notice and no SMS will always mean that the school is open.


The School gates will close at 8.30 am. Thereafter, no one will be allowed into the school. The school Assembly starts at 8.30 and all should be present in the classroom, before that.



The school uniform is sacred and a prized possession of a student. It symbolizes the ethos and culture of the school, of which the student is an integral part. Any violation of its sanctity calls for firm disciplinary action such as suspension. termination etc. Visit to restaurants, cinema, multiplexes other public places etc. in school uniform, is a serious breach Of discipline inviting action. Hair colouring. using styling gel and fashionable haircuts are not allowed in school. Students who have begun to shave must have a clean shaven face.


The school Uniform is important and students should come to school wearing neat and presentable uniform, Any child Who does not wear the correct uniform may be refused entry to the class.







Shirt : Peachish pink shirt with khaki colour collar.

Shirt : Peachish pink shirt with khaki colour collar with

Jacket :Khaki colour detachable with School

School monogram and House name. Elastic on the

monogram and House name.


Skirt : Khaki coloured skirt with 2 pleats in front

Trousers : Khaki coloured trousers, double pleated

and 2 pleats at the back.

with 1 ½ inch loop for belt.


Shorts (mandatory): Same material as of the skirt

Peach ankle length socks.

(will be available along with the uniform).

Pre-Primary. Same shirt and shorts of same material as

Peach ankle length socks.

trousers above.

Nursery class 4 - Girls school uniform – trousers / skirt – to be got from school tailor.

WINTER : In Addition to above Black cardigans half / full sleeves or blazer may be worn on top.


All students of Nursery to Class 4, during the winter months ( 1 Dec to 15 Mar every year) may wear protective clothes if the parents so desire.



Dry fit material T-Shirt. Dark blue, grey and light blue


Dry fit material T-Shirt. Dark blue, grey and light

in front and back with dark blue sleeves.

blue in front and back with dark blue sleeves.


Note : The students can wear coloured dresses on all the Activity Days. However footwear worn should be appropriate to activities required to be carried out.

Notes on Uniform


1.    Except for inconspicuous earrings or nose studs ( girls only when the ear or nose has been pierced). No clip-ons allowed on hair, no jewelry is allowed to be worn by boys or girls in the school. Ear studs for boys is prohibited.

2.     No student is permitted to wear nail polish or to streak / colour his /her hair, Kajol liner on eyes.

3.     Use of styling gel on hair or fancy haircut to exhibit an extraordinary look is not permitted.

4.     Attending school with application of mehendi (henna) / colour / tattoo /nail polish / mascara /. Wearing of photo chromatic spectacles, coloured contact lenses / Sun glasses etc, in school is not permitted.

5.     The School is proud of non-political and non-denominational character which cannot be compromised in any circumstances. While appreciating individual needs to uphold religious practices, the school also has its own precedence and practices along with traditions which go over nine decades. It does not encourage dressing up for identification on the basis of religion or any other non-secular basis as also use items to distinguish oneself by their religious identity during the school hours and activities.

6.     Wearing of ID card is compulsory for all students during school and official engagements.

7.     Sikh boys will use black coloured turban / under turban.

8.     There is a provision with the school uniform supplier to provide full sleeve shirt for boys and full sleeve blouse for the girls if required to ensure that if there is a great compulsion to use items to distinguish oneself by their religious identity, they are not visible during the school hours and activities


School Uniform are available at :

Pramathanath & Co

74F, Ashutosh Mukherjee Road [Near Bhawanipur Metro Station]

Phone : 2455-3237, Contact person : Mr. Subrato Shankar Das 9831504744

School Shoes can be any of the under mentioned: (Both Girls & Boys)(School & Games Uniforms)


1.      "POWER" manufactured by Bata.

2.      Code "#03977" Manufactured by Sreeleathers.

3.      "SM 58 ( Velcron) Black" manufactured by Sparx.

4.      Full black, lace or Velcro multi utility sports shoes of any manufacturer.


There shall be no spot or labelling of any other colour on the shoes, however small or thin.


The shoes can be purchased from any outlet. Please note that the same shoes will be used with the school uniform and the games uniform.

All new admission students are permitted to wear their previous school (if attended) uniform or home clothes if no previous school has been attended, till the new uniform is provided or one month from first date of attendance, whichever is earlier.



1.       Open the school website

2.       Under ICSE click on "Click to Enter".

3.       Click on "Login". Available at the top right ribbon.

4.       Follow the instructions given below:-



Click Are you a



Type User

Registration No (eg. 2222)


Type Password

Date of Birth {eg. dd/mm/yy (21/07/1997)}

d.    Click on GO

5.       The Challan page will be displayed.

a.        All possible combinations and types of fee/payment will be displayed.

b.        Carefully select the (check Box) appropriate fees/payment desired to be paid.

c.        Click on “Save" button to take a print out.

(Kindly ensure that the printer is attached to the Computer)

6.        For Reprinting the challan, go to "Reprint". All challans generated so far will be tabulated. Select the challan number which you want to print.

Note: New Challan can only be printed if all previous Challans generated have been paid. Challan once generated, irrespective of having been printed or otherwise, will have to be paid within 15 days of generation as indicated at the bottom of the Challan.






1.       Log into site

2.       On the Home Page in the top green ribbon click on “Login”

3.       In the login Window. Top Field should read “Student” ID is student registration Number and password is date of birth. (Dd/mm/yyyy) (FIRST TIME ONLY)

4.       Student Portfolio home page will open.

5.       Top blue ribbon left most tab “challan”. Please click on it.

6.       Payment page will open.

7.       Please confirm the students data for whom the payment is being made.

8.       For fees under the heading “Select Tuition Fees Quarterly” Tick all four quarters or as desired.

9.       For other payments click the appropriate radio button.

10.   ON LINE PAYMENT OPTION WILL APPEAR. Click on it and follow instructions.

11.    After the payment has been made a confirmation mail will arrive in students mail ID and the school mail ID.





In case of default in paying fees as per laid down Schedule, late fees as applicable will be charged and has to be paid as laid down in aforesaid paragraphs. However consistent and regular default in fees may result in the name of the student being struck off the rolls of the school. Readmission may be granted on the discretion of the Management on payment of admission fees and all other applicable fees for the complete academic year. No consideration will be given to any installment fees having been paid earlier. All dues should be cleared before the student appears for any school examination and / or collection of progress report as applicable.


Instructions for Payment


Payments to school has been divided into three groups

1.         Select Tuition Fees Quarterly

2.         Select Council Related Fees

3.         Select Other Charges

At any one time, challan from only one group can be generated.

Multiple choice from any one group is possible by ticking the relevant box of the payment required to be made.

More than one quarter fees can be paid together by multi clicking the relevant check boxes.

On payment of the same and confirmation in the system by school you will be able to generate and print thee next challan from any group.

In case of wrongly generated challan contact school through contact us. Challan once generated has to be paid or deleted for you to be able to proceed with further payment. Challan can be deleted by the school authority only.

Last date of payment of challan is always printed at the bottom of the challan. The system automatically gives a date 15 days from the date of generation of challan. In case you do not intend to make payment in next 15 days please do not generate the challan.

In case you're unable to generate challan please intimate the school through contact us tab for necessary advice.

1st Feb. Fees challan generation by parents/Students for the current academic year will not be available from 1st  Feb.


1st Mar. Fees challan generated before and on 15th Feb by Parents/ Students not valid. If not paid fresh challan be taken from School.

2nd Mar. All late fees challan (ONLY FOR THOSE STUDENTS WHO HAVE PAID FEES FOR COMPLETE YEAR) to be generated and printed/mailed for giving/sending to parents and students by class Teacher. TO BE POSITIVELY PAID BY 25 MARCH.




Students whose names are struck off from rolls of the absence as per school regulations, will be handed over the TC kept in Class Discipline file only after clearing all school dues up to the end of the quarter in which the name of the student was struck off, along with TC fees and any other dues of the School.

One month's (30 days) prior notice is to be given in case of withdrawal of a student along with the T.C. fees, otherwise one quarter's tuition fee will be charged besides clearing all other dues. No Transfer Certificate will be issued till all dues to the school have been paid in full.

If Transfer Certificate request is submitted after 01 Apr of the year (After start of Academic Year) even if the student has not attended one day in the new Academic year, the student becomes liable to pay minimum 1st quarter fees along with the Annual Charges of that Academic Year and subsequent quarters, depending on date of application for Transfer Certificate.


Transfer Certificates required for admission to schools located in towns and cities other than Kolkata/different States than West Bengal and also if the school is affiliated to other education board than CISCE Irrespective of the location, have to be got countersigned from CISCE office New Delhi. This can take upto 15 days from the time Transfer Certificate is sent.


Procedure for Application for Issue of Transfer Certificate-


1.         Please read the rules regarding issue of transfer certificate carefully.


2.         Generate a challan for payment of Transfer Certificate charges.


3.         Pay the charges before the last date indicated on the challan.


4.         Download an application from student log in > letters to school. Fill challan number and date of payment, date on which the transfer certificate required (please read rule regarding notice period required by the school) and submit to school.


5.         Applications with incomplete details will be considered invalid request and no action will be initiated.













School Books are available from : SWAYAMBAR

94, P. Majumdar Road, ( Indu Park) Kolkata 700 107, Siemens Bus Stop,Kasba

Phone: 24413248/ 4862/ 9831123033 E-mail:,

Contact Person : Mr. DilipKundu

Usually the books are made available by Swayambar at the school premises in the closing weeks of the Academic year as per dates given in School Calendar.

All students are required to use school monogrammed note books (copy) provided by the school book seller with school monogrammed covers also supplied by the school book seller. No variation is accepted. Unused note books of previous years may be used in the next class.


Only Students who do not receive financial assistance from BGSP





Third Monday March

Nursery, KG








Third Tuesday









Third Wednesday March









Third Thursday March



Third Friday March




Only Students who receive financial assistance from BGSP





Fourth Monday March

Nursery, KG,1,2








Fourth Tuesday March

9, 10


Availability of Text Books and Notebooks by Ms Swayambar on School Premises during the Academic Year.


The School has made arrangements for availability as per schedule given below :









3rd Week

Monday to Friday


4th Week

Monday to Friday


1st Week

Monday to Friday


TIME : 9.00 A.M. TO 3.00 P.M.

N.B. Notebooks will be available off the shelf. Books on demand along with payment can be made and the same collected after 2/3 days.




Duplicating / Photocopying of Identity and Escort Cards

It is strictly forbidden to photocopy the Identity / Escort Card/ issued to the students. On occasions it has been noticed that parents have got coloured Xeroxing / Xerox of the Identity card and sent the student to school with that. This is highly irregular and a gross breach of school discipline. The cards are meant for the security of your child during school hours. Parents / Guardians shall be deemed solely responsible for such unacceptable wilful act.

Loss of I card

The School issues I Card once at admission and commencement of Classes 1, 5 and 8. Escort card is also issued for the primary Section. Loss should be reported immediately and temporary I card may be obtained on payment of requisite Fees. A duplicate I Card / Escort Card will be issued at the earliest, on payment of Rs. 200/- only ( Rs. 100/- Cost + Rs. 100/- Fine). Subsequent issues in classes 1, 5 and 8 will be done only on return of old I card / Escort card or on payment of cost + fine.

Damaged/ Defaced I Card

Students are forbidden from possessing a damaged/defaced I Card or Escort Card. A duplicate card must be requested for immediately. Fair wear and tear and manufacturing defects will be replaced by the School, at no extra cost. However, in all other cases, the expenditure for the replacement of the card has to be borne by the parents. Final authority on this is the Head Master.

P.S- Not a single day's grace period will be available for replacement.


Hence forth the undermentioned schedule will be followed in case of replacement of Identity Cards for staff and Students. The replacement will take place only in even numbered months.

Submission Date for request for replacement card        Within two days of loss


Issue of Temp I Card                                                 Within two days of payment of replacement Fees

(valid up to 30th of next even month) Place order for provision of replacement Cards 2nd /3rd of Even number Month Receipt of replacement card from vendor                    24th /25th of the even number month

Issue of replacement card to students                           Last working day of even number month



Whereas there is no major restriction on legitimate use of school telephone by the students, it has been observed that students try and miss classes line up at the reception for use of telephone, on flimsy grounds. This is not conducive to a good school environment. Henceforth following guideline must be followed.


1.         Teachers at their discretion will call up on behalf of the students, if deemed necessary.

2.         No student will be allowed to make phone calls between morning prayer and start of first period.

3.         In case a student has not brought his/her I Card/Diary, the student is not allowed to call up home.

4.         For other reasons, permission of Deputy Head Mistress is required for use of the school telephone.

















Primary Section : Classes LN-4

There is no regular routine examination at the primary levels. The primary classes follow a process of continuous evaluation on the basis of the work done in school and follow up done at home. After every term, the evaluation grades along with a detailed subjective report as applicable are given to students based on teacher's own continuous observation of the students.

Secondary Section : Classes 5-8

The academic year is divided into TWO TERMS. A process of holistic school quality assessment on a regular basis has been implemented.

At the end of FIRST TERM there is a FIRST TERM comprehensive evaluation and at the end of the SECOND TERM there is another comprehensive evaluation.

Each of the two evaluations are of 8090 marks. 1020 Marks for both the examinations are based on continuous Internal evaluations. As per details given in subsequent pages.

The continuous internal assessments is based on a combination of Periodical class evaluation/ Practical/ Projects group / sub group / individual / Activity based learning.

The annual comprehensive Evaluation is out of the 100% syllabus of Second Term and 20% pre-determined syllabus of First TERM. Marks allotted for the First Term syllabus do not exceed 15 Marks out of total 80-90 Marks for the Annual Comprehensive Evaluation.

The acceptable mark to indicate adequate comprehension by the student for individual subject is 40% with an overall aggregate also of 40%

It is an established fact that a certain percentage (80% in case of school) of attendance is required to ensure that the students know the subject. The attendance is calculated one day before the examination. This is inclusive of absence on account of illness and any other special circumstances.

Normally admissions from other institutions will not be encouraged. A pre-condition for a student to admission/ continuation in Class 9 is a minimum of 40% marks in each subject / segment (Internal& External) with an overall aggregate of 40% in Class 8 as well as 40% in individual subjects.


Secondary Section : Classes 9 & 10

Based on the rules and regulations of Council for Indian School Certificate Examination, promotion from Class 9 to Class 10 will be done on the basis of the cumulative achievement level of the student throughout the academic year in the subjects he/she has been registered for. The candidate is required to have obtained at least 33% marks in aggregate in five subjects including English on the cumulative average and also by obtaining at least 33% marks in five subjects including English in first term and annual examination, and a minimum attendance of 75% of the working days. Promotion on trial/with re-examination with grace marks will not be granted from Class 9 to 10. Pass certificates will be awarded to the candidate who at one and the same examination (Board examination for class 10) has appeared for and passed minimum 6 subjects and has attained the pass standard in at least 5 subjects which must include the subject English. Also to attain a pass grade In SUPW as detailed in subsequent pages.

The academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of the First Term there is First Term Examinations and at the end of the Second Term, Annual Examinations / ICSE (Board) will be conducted.

Each of the two exams are of 80-90 marks. 10-20 marks for both the examinations are based on continuous internal assessments.


The continuous internal assessment is based on a combination of Periodical class tests/ Practical / Projects- group/ sub group/ individual / activity based learning.


Extracts from the Regulation. Chapter I : Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination: The Council for The Indian School Certificate Examination : D) Minimum Attendance Requirement. ( Applicable to Classes 9 & 10)


Candidates whose attendance is below 75% of the working days are ordinarily not eligible to sit for the examination. However, the Chief Executive and Secretary has the authority to condone the shortage of attendance in the case of candidates whose minimum attendance is not less than 60% of the working days in each year of the two year course. This is inclusive of absence due to illness and other special circumstances.


Heads of Schools may represent, to the Chief Executive and Secretary, cases of candidates who deserve special consideration for condoning shortage of attendance in Class IX and / or X, provided that the attendance of such candidates is not less than 60% of the working days, during each year of the two year course.


Further, the Chief Executive and Secretary may condone the shortage of attendance in the case of candidates whose minimum attendance is below 60% in exceptional cases i.e.:


a)         On Psychological / Medical Grounds such as serious illnesses requiring long period of treatment/hospitalization.

b)         Authorized participation in sports at State and National Level organized by recognized Sports Authorities.

c)         Other unforeseen and special circumstances


The Chief Executive and Secretary would subsequently report the matter to the Executive Committee of the Council.


The last date for computing attendance at school is February 15, of each of the two years.





(Applicable for Classes 5-9)


The qualifying grades for academics for 1st Term and Annual Evaluation


70 79 : 2 points


– 89 : 5 points

90 98 : 7 points


100 : 10 Points


Students scoring less than 50 diligence points cumulative in the year and having minimum of 60% in overall aggregate in the Annual Evaluation will be awarded a certificate of merit.

On getting 51 diligence points and above cumulative in the year and having minimum of 60% in overall aggregate in the Annual Evaluation the student will be awarded a certificate of Academic Excellence.



      The BGES School (ICSE) looks upon Use of Unfair Means (Cheating) as the most grievous act in the school by any student specially during Evaluation/Examination. Consequences of indulging in such practice can lead to rustication from the school.

      Adequate warning is given to students through well-established practices so that students are constantly reminded.

     Before the commencement of any evaluation/examination, all students must check their pockets, desk, body, pencil box, their surroundings, etc. and remove every bit of paper or writing which may later put suspicion to on the student for having used means or cheating.

     If the School is satisfied that a Student has made previous arrangements to obtain unfair help in connection with the question papers from any persons connected with examination, the Student is liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls of the school.

    Students who are detected giving or obtaining, or attempting to give or obtain, unfair assistance, or who are otherwise detected in any dishonesty whatsoever, will be reported to the Principal and liable to strict disciplinary action.

    The Invigilator, or any member of the supervisory staff, shall seize the answer scripts in which the use of unfair assistance is suspected.

.  The Invigilator shall send the seized answer scripts, will report the matter giving the details and evidence and the explanation of the Students concerned, to the Principal on the day of the occurrence.

   In case the Students concerned refuses to give explanatory statements they should not be forced to do so, only the fact of refusal shall be recorded by the Invigilator on duty, at the time of occurrence.

   The Invigilator has the discretion to permit such candidates to answer the remaining part of the question papers but on answer sheets separate from those in which the use of unfair means is suspected.

   If it is subsequently discovered by the school that Students have either copied from other Students, or given an opportunity to other Students to copy from them, or communicated dishonestly with other Students, by way of similar answers or any other circumstantial evidence, such student/s will be liable for strict disciplinary action.

   Students detected in approaching directly or indirectly any member of the staff of the School with the object of influencing him/her regarding the examinations, will be liable for strict disciplinary action.

   Students are not permitted to have in their possession, any book, memorandum, or pocket – book, notes, or papers whatsoever, except the correct question paper while in  the examination room. They must return any incorrect question papers to the Invigilator immediately.

 The decision in respect of the results of Students who are suspected of using unfair means may be delayed considerably.



Heads of Schools are reminded of the minimum attendance requirement for the ICSE (10) and ISC (12) Examinations, which is given in the respective 'Regulations'.

Entry to the ICSE (10) and ISC (12) Examination in the case of eligible candidates who are being entered for the first time, is restricted to candidates with a minimum of 75% attendance of the working days during each year of the two-year course at schools affiliated to the Council and registered for the ICSE (10)/ISC(12) Examinations.

Heads of Schools are required to inform the Council not later than 15th February, of candidates entered for the ICSE

(10) and not later than 31st January for the ISC (12) Examinations who are short of the 75% attendance requirement. Representations on behalf of such candidates with full details may be made by the Heads of Schools so as to reach the Council not later than the stipulated dates and these will be considered, provided the attendance is not short of 60% of the working days



Important Notes

The School may not keep on its Rolls pupils who are above the average age of the class. The Headmaster's decision is final in all matters related to promotion.

Use or attempt to use unfair means in any examination will lead to strict disciplinary action. Repetition of such

offence may result in expulsion from the school. Use or attempt to use unfair means in any examinations, will result the student being awarded ZERO in the subject as applicable both for the internal assessment and the examination. This is in addition to any disciplinary action taken by the school depending on the circumstances.

Absence of a student during the examination for any reason whatsoever will be reflected as such ( AB) in the progress report. Non submission of project (Internal assessment) on time will also be treated as absence and marked as AB. AB in any one part i.e. Internal / External assessment will result in Total being marked as Absent (AB). This confirms to the guidelines /regulations for ICSE Examination.

There is no provision in the school for RETEST / RE-EXAMINATION for students who are absent from any examination. No Retest / Re-Examination are conducted by the school.

The total number of working days are approximately 225. Students must obtain 80% / 75% attendance as applicable, failing which they may be debarred form taking the Evaluation/Examinations. Students remaining absent for too long or too often before any evaluation/examination may not be allowed to take that evaluation. In general terms for every day of absence, starting six working days before the exam, the student may lose five minutes in any one evaluation/examination per day of absence as decided by the School.

A Progress report is issued to the parents twice a year. For Classes Nursery to I, the reports must be signed by the parents, preferably the father or guardian and returned to the class teacher after verification.

Absence tolerance limit of 20% / 25%, includes all types of absence including absence due to medical reasons and long sickness. There is no special and separate allowance of absence on account of sickness or any adverse medical condition.




Students excelling in ICSE Examination are awarded Computers/Tabs. The student must take admission and attend classes11 & 12 at The Bhawanipur Gujarati Education Society School (ISC Section) at 5, LLR Sarani, Kolkata.


1.       First three will be awarded LAPTOPS.

2.       Student whose aggregate score is above 90% will be awarded a TAB (Eng +4)

3.       Student whose aggregate score is above 80% will be awarded a TROPHY and CERTIFICATE

4.      Student who scores above 90% in individual subject with minimum aggregate of 80% ( Eng +4) will be awarded CERTIFICATE.




As per ongoing effort to encourage students to enhance their own Academic Performances, an award scheme since academic year 2013-14 to all students from Classes 6 to Class 9 of our school has been instituted by The Bhawanipur Gujarati Shishya Pratisthan (BGSP) with an aim to inculcate Self Competing approach by all students and to improve our school results in the memory of Late Hemantikaben Puri.


Outline of the Scheme


The awards are based on the improvement of the aggregate in percentage over the last year Annual Evaluation by the individual students. The eligibility criteria is as follows:-


a)      Previous class annual evaluation assessment all subjects aggregate will be compared with all the subjects aggregate of the next year annual evaluation assessment. For example - Class 6 student's (2010-11) result will be compared with class 5 (200910) results of the student concerned and so on up to students passing class 9.

b)      All eligible students as per paragraphs (c) to (e) will get a cash scholarship of Rs. 2000/- (Two thousand only) each for the above academic year. Subject to the under mentioned degree of improvement is achieved by the individual student in the two consecutive Academic years.

c)      10% and above improvement in percentage aggregate against an overall aggregate of 30% up to 70% aggregate in the previous Academic Year. (Minimum requirement to gain promotion in the next class based on aggregate for promotion as laid down in the school diary.)

d)      7.5% and above improvement in percentage aggregate against an overall aggregate of 70% plus up to 90% aggregate in the previous Academic year.

e)      1% and above improvement in percentage aggregate against an overall aggregate of above 90% aggregate in the previous Academic year.



Criteria for qualifying for the award

·             A students is required to score minimum 80% in aggregate and 80% in individual subject, in both First Term and Annual Examination / Evaluation.

·             Award is based on the performance in Annual Examination / Evaluation of students of classes 8 & 9 who secured first position in the subjects MATHEMATICS, ENGLISH and COMPUTER APPLICATIONS.

·             Awarded to one student per subject per class (Not per section)

·             One student can be awarded for more than one subject depending on the performance if the above mentioned criteria is met.

·             In case of equal position of more than one student :

v     First Consideration Comparison of marks of First Term Examination /Evaluation marks in the particular subject.

v     Second Consideration Comparison of total of First Term and Annual Examination / Evaluation marks in the particular subject

v     Final Consideration If all the above considerations match then Joint Awardees to be declared.







(classes 5- 8)



General Guidelines for all classes & Specific instructions for Classes 5- 8 (w.e.f . 01 Apr 2013)

An internal assessment is a continuous and comprehensive process of evaluation conducted during an ongoing academic session, to promote and facilitate the learning process through an active participation by students with a passive yet advisory role being adopted by the teachers. The primary objectives of the internal assessment are:

         To integrate the process of teaching and evaluation.

         To test inherent skills and analytical abilities of the students that cannot be substituted by a written examination.

         To continuously formulate innovative ideas in a congenial environment.

         To encourage the active participation of students in self-assessment of their thinking skills.

         To promote inter and intra personal skills between students and teachers for effective communication.

         To co-ordinate a teacher's role as a mentor and guide.

To ensure better comprehension and sincerity towards their studies, it has been decided that w.e.f 01 Jul 2019, for all subjects, all written homework as scheduled in the time table for classes 5 to 10, will be assessed and marked. Only those homework that are submitted on the next day or as per date of submission given by the teacher, will be considered. Non submission or absence will be awarded ZERO. At the end of each term, the accumulation of Homework marks will be brought down to be equivalent of 50% of total internal assessment for the term and added to balance 50% marks obtained in project / practical work to form total marks for Internal Assessment.


20 % marks in each of the evaluation is to be allotted for internal assessment based purely on one of the criteria given below or a combination of more than one criteria as per subject and teacher's discretion.


1.      Unit / periodical class tests (allowed only in 1st term and that to by exception only)

2.      Practical

3.      Project Group / sub group / individual

4.      Activity based learning


Minimum one each of such above assessment required to be recorded for 1st Term Evaluation and Annual Evaluation respectively. Please understand the terminology given in the Council Internal Assessment Guidelines.


The internal assessment need not be always submitted as a written project individually, as also the submission of written work may be allowed on CD instead of register / folder.


Generally for the 1st Term Evaluation, the projects may be based on group / sub groups to be oral / aural / multimedia presented and do not please forget presentation through performing arts.

Also consider reaching out to the other teachers and subjects to try and achieve integration through common projects. You may give common projects but the output of students should clearly show the work of two subjects. For example a History Project on The Battle of the Buldge can be clubbed with an English project on The Charge of The Light Brigade.


In fact the following guidelines for the selection of assignments should be adhered:

a)     The competency, knowledge and the skill levels of the students should be properly identified as that is imperative in the selection of an appropriate assignment to facilitate their all-round development.

b)     On the day of the Practical Evaluation if a child is absent, he/she shall be awarded 0 (zero) for the Practical Test but will get marks for Laboratory Manual/Project File (Applicable to other subjects where ever practical is part of internal assessment for all classes.)

c)     An assignment should be so selected to have a broad range of topics to facilitate students to use imaginative contexts and demonstrate original lines of approach.

d)      Easy availability of required inputs / resources that facilitate the assignment progress.

e)     An assignment to encompass the reinforcement of existing class room knowledge, while imbibing a scope for future reference / research.

f)      An assignment should be so selected so as to encourage active group participation that ensures coordination, co- operation and time management resulting in effective team building.


Selection of an assignment should have the following broader perspectives :



An assignment should be so selected that should involve the student's benefit with regards to their future applications and must also be directly or indirectly co-related with the class room teaching. This will not only assess the cognitive skills through the application based methods but will also promulgate the investigative role of the students in the learning process.



Students must be encouraged in planning the assignment by exploring a range of contexts, identifying resources and subsequent tools of preparation needed for the assignment. The teacher to ensure all possible support and co-operation towards planning and execution of the assignment. The assignment should be so planned that it should be completed as a part of the normal classroom activity to enable the students to realize the objectives in a congenial environment.



It should be so formulated or adopted as per the needs and requirements of the given assignment taking the help of the multimedia and internet based technology as and when required.



A good assessment and evaluation is such that it not only influences and enhances future teaching and learning processes, but also explores the creative process of thinking, reflects the imaginative thinking, and must optimize the existing potential skills of students.

Thus this forum should not only be used to improve the learning skills of the students but to improve the teacher's own creative and thinking skills/inputs. It should be used as a chance to bring about change that you have always wanted, to do it your way.

For languages consider book reviews both oral and written. Also try to incorporate the assessment system as laid down for classes 9 and 10.

Project compilation should be done in the class room. Preparatory/Preliminary/Collection of data may be done at home.

In view of the above, projects should be closely related to learning skills to gain knowledge by the students with regards to the topics in the syllabus.



  • All students and teachers will adhere to the undermentioned Schedule without any deviations.
  • Last date for allotment of First Term Projects all Subjects and all Classes 30 April.
  • Last date for submission of First Term Projects all Subjects and all Classes 15 July.
  • Last date for allotment of Annual Evaluation Projects all Subjects and all Classes not later than 15 days from School reopening after Puja Vacations. 
  • (For class 10 projects preferably be given before start of Puja Vacation)
  •  Last date for submission of Annual Evaluation Projects all Subjects and all Classes 15 January. (For class 10, 15 December as given below)
  • All students from classes 5 to 8 will be required to complete one project for 1st term group /sub group wise and one for the annual evaluation individually. This has to be implemented in conjunction with the School guidelines for Internal Assessment.
  • Classes 9 to 10 number of projects already given in the School Guidelines.
  • For Class 10 collection by HM remains as per dairy around 15 December after correction by both Internal and External Examiner.
  • Class 10 external Examiners will examine/check/assessment project work at 1st Term stage and Preliminary exam stage separately before the compilation of marks for the particular Examination.
  • Teacher in charge of conduct of ICSE Examination for own school to issue out list of external Examiners by 15 Jul of each year.
  • Wherever there are sub parts of assignment within the Internal Assessment, the rule “Absence in any one parti.e. Internal / External assessment will result in Total being marked as Absent (AB).”, will not apply. The rule is applicable when calculating marks at 20 for Internal & 80 for Theory/External or 100-100 in case of CTA.
  • “The Completed assignment is to be presented in a simple folder/exercise books and students are advised to avoid usage of expensive materials or presentation.”   

















Specific Instructions for classes 9 and 10 based on CISCE guidelines

(w.e.f 01 Apr 2014)




1.      Internal Assessment for Classes 9 and 10 will follow strictly the syllabi of the year of examination and the CISCE booklet "INTERNAL ASSESSMENT AN INTEGRAL COMPONENT OF ICSE" issued by the council.

2.      Below are few enumerations for execution of the above in the School.

a.      All scientific based activities related to the mentioned subjects must be included during the period of assessment, with emphasis on participation in science exhibitions, making of live models of projects, quiz & science related competitions, scientific tours and research based activities.

b.     Practical Examinations to be conducted and recorded in the Laboratory manual itself. There will be no External Examiner for Class 9.

c.      Complete year Laboratory Manual will be submitted.

3.      For Class 10 ICSE Examinations marks submission a consolidated tabulation sheet of 1st Term and Preliminary Examinations will be submitted.

4.      Applicable for Class 9 (1st term examinations) :

a.      Subject teacher to demonstrate minimum five practical experiments in the term. These be chosen from the applicable syllabi. Students to carefully observe and then repeat the same under the teacher's guidance. Students to record each of the experiment with observations in the lab manual. Each experiment will be marked by the subject teacher out of 10 (Total = 5 x 10 = 50).

b.     At the end of the term, there shall be a practical test and the subject teacher to mark the practical test out of 10.

c.      10 marks are allotted to viva-voce on the complete lab manual of the first term work.

d.     Total evaluation out of 70 needs to be scaled down to 20.


Assignments / Lab

Practical Test (10)

Viva voce on Lab

Total (out of 70)

Total out of 20


(Subject Teacher)

Manual (10)

(Subject Teacher)

(Subject Teacher)

(Subject Teacher)


(External Examiner)













5.      Applicable for Class 9 Annual examinations :

a.      Subject teacher to demonstrate minimum five practical experiments in the second term. These be chosen from the applicable syllabii. Students to carefully observe and then repeat the same under the teacher's guidance. Students to record each of the experiment with observations in the lab manual. Each experiment will be marked by subject teacher out of 10 (Total = 5 x 10 = 50).

b.     At the end of the term, there shall be a practical test and the subject teacher to mark the practical test out of 10.

c.      10 marks are a manual for the viva -voce on the complete lab manual for the period after the first term.

d.     Total evaluation out of 70 needs to be sealed down to 20.


Assignments / lab

Practical Test (10)

Viva voce on Lab

Total out of 70

Total out of 20


(Subject Teacher)

Manual (10)

(Subject Teacher)

(Subject Teacher)

(Subject Teacher)


(Subject Teacher)














6. Applicable for class 10 term examinations:

a.    Subject teacher to demonstrate minimum five practical experiments in the term.





Viva voce on

Total out of

Total (out of


Viva voce on

Total (out of

Total for

/lab manual

Test (10)




Test (10)












(20+20) /2






































Special instructions for Class 10 :


a.      In 1st term and Preliminary an external examiner will also evaluate the lab manual and practical examinations, as per marking scheme given above.

b.     Marks to be sent to the ICSE Board Examinations =

1st Term evaluation + Preliminary evaluation 2

Apart from the preceding mandatory minimum practical work as prescribed in the syllabus, suggested additional assignments that may be considered for being done by the students are as follows. Topics can be also chosen from the CISCE booklet "INTERNAL ASSESSMENT AN INTEGRAL COMPONENT OF ICSE" as given for relevant subject. Marking on these be treated and added as Bonus on marks obtained out of 20.



1.     Prepare a working model of a windmill and demonstrate its use in drawing water by using the energy of the blowing wind.

2.     Nuclear tests being conducted puts the world at grave risk and leads to a sense of insecurity and instability.

3.     State ways to minimize electricity consumption and also prevent its wastage taking into consideration the factors like a comparative study of monthly bills paid and subsequent variation, household electric

/electronic items used for consumption purposes, methods/ ways to avoid wastage and save electricity.



1.     Ozone depletion in the atmospheric is now recognized as a major environmental problem with potential catastrophic effects. Prepare a report on Ozone Depletion.

2.     To prepare a report as regard to the 'Pollution in any form is extremely hazardous to human existence' considering the parameters considering the parameters like Names and sources of major pollutants and their chemical formulae, mechanism of pollution, health hazards involved and preventive measures to b e adopted.

3.     To study the use of chemicals in food processing, cosmetics/toiletries etc.


1.     Junk Food has now become an indispensable part of the average teenager's diet and is responsible for many health related problems. Make a report creating an awareness taking into consideration of health impact, nutritional value if any, hygiene, balanced diet.

2.     Interview slum dwellers of a nearby area and make a note of the most common health problems faced by them to make a structured presentation.

3.     Though modern lifestyles offer many a comfort and convenience, however lack of exercise and poor eating habits have led to lifestyle diseases like hypertension, stress, diabetes, obesity etc. To prepare a chart that includes a healthy and balanced diet along with an exercise schedule that suggests prevention of occupational and lifestyle related health problems.



1.     All activities that involve an analytical approach and an aptitude attributed to the demonstration of a flair for numerical and application based phenomenon may be incorporated in the evaluation process. e.g. Quiz, Olympiads, Presentation, Projects, Worksheets, Posters, Charts etc.

2.     1st Term (Both Classes): Students should complete one assignment during the 1st term, as assigned by the teacher. For class 10, external examiner will also mark the assignment. Teachers teaching respective sections in class 6 shall be the external examiner.

3.     Preliminaries (Class 10) / Annual Examination (Class 9): Students should complete two assignments during the 2nd term, as assigned by the teacher. For class 10, external examiner will also mark the assignment. Teachers teaching respective sections in class 6 shall be the external examiners.

4.     For Class 10 ICSE Examinations marks submission in a consolidated tabulation sheet of 1st Term and Preliminary Examinations will be submitted.

5.     All assignments to be compiled in a single folder.


The following are a few suggested assignments for the teachers to consider :


1.     To conduct a survey to ascertain the viewership popularity of 5 sports relating to football, cricket, lawn tennis, golf and basketball amongst the classmates. To use the three-point scales to measure the findings based on the criterion like regular, occasionally, uninterested and to represent the data collected with the help of suitable diagrams.

2.     To collect a sample of 50 undamaged leaves from any one tree. To clip the stalk of the leaves and record the length of each leaf along the central vein and to tabulate the data giving the number of leaves in each length class i.e. 10 14 mm, 15 19 mm, 20 24 mm etc.


Special instructions for Class 10 :

Marks to be sent to the ICSE Board Examinations =

1st Term evaluation + Preliminary evaluation 2

On the day of the Practical Evaluation if a child is absent, he/she shall be awarded 0 (zero) for the Practical Test but will get marks for Laboratory Manual/Project File. Applicable for all subjects and all classes where ever practical is a part of internal assessment.


This segment of the syllabus is totally practical oriented. The accent is on acquiring basic programming skills quickly and efficiently.


Programming Assignments -

Students are expected to do a minimum of 20 assignments during the whole year to reinforce the concepts studied in the class.



Proposed Guidelines for Marking -

The teacher should use the criteria below to judge the internal work done. Basically, four criteria are being suggested: class design, coding and documentation, variable description and execution or output. The actual grading will be done by the teacher based on his/her judgment. However, one possible way: divide the outcome for each criterion into one of 4 groups: excellent, good, fair/acceptable, poor/unacceptable, then use numeric values for each grade and add to get the total.


Class design:

Has a suitable class (or classes) been used?

Are all attributes with the right kinds of types present? Is encapsulation properly done?

Is the interface properly designed?


Coding and Documentation:

Is the coding done properly? (choice of names, no unconditional jumps, proper organization of conditions, proper choice of loops, error handling code layout). Is the documentation complete and readable? (class documentation, variable documentation, method documentation, constraints, known bugs - if any).


Variable and Description Format for variable description:


Name of the variable

Data Type






Execution or Output:

Does the program run on all sample input correctly?

For Class IX evaluation of practical work (Assignments) will be done as follows: Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner): 100 marks



Class design

Variable description

Coding and


(Total-100 marks)

(20 marks)

(20 marks)


OR Output




(20 marks)

(40 marks)






















For Class X evaluation of practical work will be done as follows:


Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner)

50 marks

External Examiner

50 marks


Class design

Variable description

Coding and


(Total-100 marks)

(20 marks)

(20 marks)


OR Output




(20 marks)

(40 marks)






















External Examiners will be the Computer Studies Teachers of respective sections of Class 8.

The teacher-in-charge shall evaluate all the assignments done by the student throughout the year [both written and practical work]. He/she shall ensure that most of the components of the syllabus have been used appropriately in the assignments. Assignments should be with appropriate list of variables and comment statements. The student has to mention the output of the programs.


  1. All activities that influence geographical issues may be considered for the process of assessment. Group discussions on awareness of human rights, India and its relations with the world, observation of the climatic changes and their impact on the society, understanding of local mapping, concept of GPRS, GRID reference study.
  2. 1st Term (Both classes): Students will be required to prepare a project report on any one topic.
  3.  Annual Examination (Class 9): A record file having any three of the exercises mentioned in the syllabus will be maintained
  4. Preliminary Evaluation (Class 10): Students will be required to prepare a project report on any one topic.
  5. Average of marks of both 1st Term and Preliminary Examination will be considered for final ICSE Examination and submission.
  6. External Examiner will examine both the projects.
  7.   All assignments to be compiled in a single folder.


Following are a few suggested assignments for the teachers to consider :

1.     Natural disasters have been in recent times a real cause of concern with many areas being affected by floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and other ecological disasters leading to huge losses to human life and property. What steps must be undertaken to reduce their occurrence and ensure their prevention. To prepare a detailed report on the same using additional tools of sketch maps and other reference materials.

2.     To make a comparative study on grain farming (wheat and corn) in India with that of the commercial grain farming system of Central USA. To use sketch maps and pictures to enhance your study



  1. All activities that influence historical issues may be considered for the process of assessment. Group discussions on famous personalities and their influence on modern day issues, mock parliamentary sessions, interactive sessions on various political agenda's, tours to historical places and subsequent reports, awareness of human rights, India and its relations with the world.
  2. 1st Term (Both classes): Students will be required to prepare a project report on any one topic.   
  3. Annual Examination (Class 9): Any one project/assignment as related to the syllabus. 
  4. Preliminary Evaluation (Class 10): Students will be required to prepare a project report on any one topic
  5. Average of marks of both 1st Term and Preliminary Examination will be considered for final ICSE Examination and submission.
  6. External Examiner will examine both the projects.
  7. Both term assignments to be compiled in a single folder.     

The following are a few suggested assignments for the teachers to consider :     

  1. India being the world's largest democracy is also the home to a unique blend of religious and cultural diversity. To make a report on the various religions being practised in India and how historical influences have made it a secular nation.
  2. India has experienced Mughal as well as British rule historically for over 750 years. To make a comparative study in terms of their influences in the fields of art, culture, administration and religion.

3.     The parliamentary form of governance is ideally suited to a democratic set up such as India as against the Presidential form adopted by the US. Which however according to you is a better form of governance? Support your answer with relevant examples and arguments.


1.  All activities that incorporate financial and commercial study and are applicable in day to day life: Visit to a Bank (Nationalized / Private), Comparative study of Brands of Consumer Products, questionnaires / market surveys undertaken, study of various commercial activities relating to Product Pricing, Advertising, Public relations, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Banking etc.

2.  1st Term (Both Classes): Students will be required to prepare a project report on any one topic, as assigned by the teacher.

3.  Preliminaries (Class 10) / Annual Examination (Class 9): Students should complete two project reports on any two topics during the year, as assigned by the teacher.

4.  Final ICSE Examination submission (Class 10): All three will be submitted for evaluation to an external examiner. Average of marks offered by both internal and external examiners on all three assignments will be considered for final ICSE Examination submission.

5. All assignments to be compiled in a single folder.



Students who achieve Distinction in Literary based activities of Debates, elocution, declamations, quiz, mono-acting, extempore, essay writing, event management, slogan writing etc. that enhance levels of communicative skills, will be awarded 1 mark each in Listening and Speaking Skills assignments for 10 . Mere participation will not credit marks. However, the students can be awarded maximum of 4 marks (1 mark per event) in any term. (The Judges of the above mentioned events are to be informed of this specification in advance, by the respective English I teachers).


Class 10 : 1st Term Students will be required to attempt one each of Listening and Speaking Skill Assignments to be assessed by the Internal Examiner and the External Examiner independently. (The Internal Examiner will be the Subject Teacher and the External Examiner will be the English Teacher of respective sections of Class 7 who will be deputed to evaluate the assignments/projects of 1st Term).


Class 9: 1st Term- Students will be required to attempt one each of Listening and Speaking Skills Assignment. (There will be no external examiner for Class IX, English I teacher to compile)

Award of Marks (20 Marks)

1) Listening Skills: 20 Marks

2) Speaking Skills : 20 Marks

(Average of 1 & 2 (40/2) to be compiled )


Class 9: Final Evaluation- Students will be required to attempt two Listening Skills and  one Speaking Skill  Assignment. Applicable for both Commerce and Science students.


English Language Internal Assessment (1st Term)



English Language Internal Assessment (ANNUAL EVALUATION)


Award of Marks (20 Marks)

1)    Listening Skills: 20 Marks each for ECN and English I (20 +20)

2)   Speaking Skills : 20 Marks each for ECN and English I (20

+20) (Average of 1 & 2 (80/4) to be compiled )

Science students will require to complete both assignments as per examination schedule.


Class 10 : Final Evaluation - Students will be required to attempt one each of Listening and Speaking Skill Assignments to be assessed by the Internal Examiner and the External Examiner independently. (The Internal Examiner will be the Subject Teacher and the External Examiner will be the English Teacher of the respective sections of Class 7 who will be deputed to evaluate the assignments/projects of the 1st Term)

Award of Marks ( 20 Marks)


1.        Listening Skills: 20 Marks each for the External and the Internal Assessment (20 +20)

The Listening Skill assignments will be assessed separately by the Internal and the External Examiner on two different assignments. Both shall be conducted on the same day, with a break of thirty minutes, as per the schedule in School Diary and Calendar.


2.         Speaking Skills : 20 Marks each for the External and the Internal Assessment (20 +20) (Average of 1 & 2 (80/4) to be compiled )


ICSE Exam (Class 10) : English I teacher to compile the average of 1st Term and Preliminaries Assessment marks ( 20 +20 / 2) and the total marks obtained out of 20 are to be sent to the Council by the Head of the School.


Tabulation Sheet Class 10 English Language Internal Assessment


  1. Grades / Marks may be awarded to students participating in Literary based activities of Debates, elocutions, declamations, quiz, mono-acting, extempore, essay writing, event management, slogan writing etc. that enhance levels of communicative skills.
  2. 1st Term: Students will be required to do one assignment not exceeding 1500 words approximately (for Class 10), to be evaluated by both internal and external examiners. (External Examiners will be the English Teachers of respective sections of Class 7)
  3. Preliminaries (Class 10): Students will be required to do one assignment not exceeding 1500 words approximately, to be evaluated by both internal and external examiners
  4. Final ICSE Examinations Internal Assessment marks submission (Class X): Average of marks given by both internal and external examiners in 1st Term and Preliminaries internal assessments, will be considered for the final ICSE Examination marks submission.  (Sample Tabulation sheet attached)  



 1.            All activities that bring about a sound development of inter / intra personal communicative, oral or writing skills may be included e.g. declamations, debates, recitation, drama, music, essay writing, slogan and banners, etc. Students who achieve Distinction in Literary based activities of Debates, elocutions, declamations, quiz, mono-acting, extempore, essay writing, event management, slogan writing etc. that enhance levels of communicative skills, will be awarded 1 mark each in Listening and Speaking Skill assignments for both classes 9 &10 . Mere participation will not credit marks. However, the students can be awarded maximum of 4 marks (1 mark per event) in any term. (The Judges of the above mentioned events are to be informed of this specification in advance, by the respective Second Language teachers).

2.            1st Term (Class 9): Students will be required to attempt one Listening Skill Assignment and one creative writing (language) as laid down in the syllabus.

3.            Annual Examinations (Class 9): Students will be required to attempt one creative writing (literature) assignment. There will be no external examiner for Class 9.

4.            1st term Examination (Class 10) : Students will be required to attempt one speaking skills assignment and one creative writing (language) as laid down in syllabus. Both will be submitted for evaluation to the External Examiner. (The Hindi teachers of respective sections in Class 6 will be the external examiner.)

5.            Preliminaries (Class 10): Students will be required to attempt one creative writing (literature) Assignment, to be evaluated by both internal and external examiners.

6.            Final ICSE Examinations Internal Assessment marks submission (Class 10): Average of marks given by both internal and external examiners in 1st Term and Preliminaries internal assessments, will be considered for the final ICSE Examination marks submission.(Sample Tabulation Sheet Attached).

7.            Listening Skills

A passage of about 300 words is to be read aloud by the Examiner twice, first time at normal reading speed (about 110 words a minute) and the next time at a slower speed. Candidates may make brief notes during the readings. They then answer an objective type test based on the passage, on the paper provided. The recommended number of candidates at a sitting is 30.

8.            Speaking Skills

Each candidate is required to make an oral presentation for about two minutes, which will be followed by a discussion on the subject with the examiners, for about three minutes. Subjects for presentation may include narrating an experience, providing a description, giving directions as how to make or operate something, expression of an opinion, giving a report, relating an anecdote or commenting on a current event. A candidate may refer to brief notes in the course of presentation but reading or excessive dependence on notes will be penalized. It is recommended that candidate may be given an hour for presentation of their subject and that they be given a choice of subject, on a common paper.



Award of Marks

Listening Skills and Speaking Skills are to be marked equally.



The School is required to maintain a record of all assessments conducted in Listening and Speaking Skills for students of Classes 9 and 10. These include copies of the assessment tests, topics for presentation and marks awarded. The record will be maintained for a period of two months after the ICSE Examination of the candidates concerned.


"If no marks, or the letters 'AB' are filled in the column entitled 'Total Marks' against a candidate's name the result of the candidate in the subject will be shown as 'Absent' when the result of the examination as a whole are issued irrespective of whether the candidate appeared and obtained a result in the written paper. Thus, if the projects are not submitted on or before the last date as per the school diary the student will be treated as absent as in case of any external paper in which the student does not appear. The marks for internal assessment for such cases will be entered AB in keeping with the guidelines of the Council. In the column of the mark sheet(s) entitled 'total Marks' the result of each candidate in SUPW should be given in terms of a grade, namely A, B,C, D or E based on five point scales as follows:


Grade                                Standard

A                                                                              Very Good

B                                                                              Good

C                                                                              Fair

D                                                                              Satisfactory

E                                                                               Unsatisfactory


Grade E is the fail grade and candidates awarded this grade will not be eligible for the award of a pass Certificate.










The student's personality, initiative and originality are given full scope in creative curricular activities and by involvement and participation in youth groups and movements, sports and games.

Every student is expected to take part in school activities. This rule is applicable even when such activities are organized beyond the school hours or at any other premises. Each student is obliged to take part in cocurricular activities. It is not possible to allow students to indulge in co-curricular activities at their will and selectively. While selecting students for excursions / educational tours participation in School co-curricular activities and attendance during Saturday activities will have a considerable weight age.

Sports organised outside the regular school curriculum and timings are available to students by selection and on deposit of a refundable security/ subsidized cost, subject to completion of the activity/sport as per school regulations. The security is non refundable in case of noncompliance or completion of the sports/activity. The maximum time allowed to claim refund is one year from leaving the school. The amount there after will be transferred to the donation fund.

Students wanting to participate in Educational Tours by the school have to have a good behavioural record and above average academic performance before being considered for such tours.


To enable students to understand and imbibe the ideals represented by eminent statesmen, writers and saints, their birth anniversaries are observed. The days of national importance are also observed with due solemnity.



Excursions/educational tours/picnic/class visits to places of educational importance are organized for all the students every year. Parents/ guardians are to exercise their consent in writing to the School in case they want their wards to participate in excursions/ educational tours organized by the School. While all reasonable measures and care for the safety of the students will be taken by the School, the management does not accept any liability in the course of the journey or stay during such excursions / educational tours / picnic etc. of any accident, theft, robbery, and dacoity or for any other reason.


Inter House Music, Debate, Drama, Elocutions, Story Telling, Recitation, Quiz competitions are organized. Students are also encouraged and trained to participate in competitions organized by other institutions. where students and teachers get an opportunity to display their talents.

Singing classes are held regularly.


Games & Sports

P.T., Drills and Yogic exercises are taught by qualified teachers. Facilities in Football, Cricket, carom and Table Tennis Gym equipment etc. are made available. In addition to these, Athletic Meet is organized periodically.

Social Service

To develop in our students a sense of social responsibility and awareness of the social problems, Social Service Programmes are taken up. Selected children attend the Old Age Home once every week.



The International Award for Young People which was formerly known as The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is a voluntary, non-competitive international award, where character building through self-improvement is the ultimate goal. The award programme has been instituted in the school for selected students since the Academic Year 2007-

08.  The award programme is available to students on payment of 50% of expenditure, in advance.





Inter House Competitions

Inter House Debate Hindi.

Inter House Drama Competition Inter House Drawing Competition. Inter House Elocution English Inter House Elocution Competition

Vernacular Inter House English Debate Inter House Essay Competition English Inter House Essay Competition Vernacular Inter House Face painting Competition. Inter House Fancy Dress Inter House Flower Arrangement Competition. Inter House Handwriting Competition Inter House Just A Minute. Inter House Mehendi Competition

Inter House Quiz

Inter House Spelling Competition

Inter House Spelling Competition Vernacular


Inter House Games and Sports Inter House Carrom Tournament. Inter House Soccer Tournament. Inter House Cricket Tournament. Inter House Table Tennis Tournament.

Inter House Atheletics Tournament. Inter House KhoKho Tournament. Inter House Pittu Tournament. Inter House Crocket Tournament.

Beyond School Activities

Yearly Educational Tour

Visit to places of educational interest in Kolkata


Health and Social Activities Eye Camp classes 1-10 Dental Check-up 1-10

Psychological Needs workshop for students Service at Old Age Home

Club Activities

Aerobics Art Cookery Cricket Croquet Dance Football Handsonic Music Synthesizer

Indoor Games Quiz Scrabble


Inter National Award for Young People Pittu






Every year, the Class 10 will be accorded the opportunity to avail extra study hours for preparation for the Board exams. In keeping with this, the following will be applicable for class 10 students every year -

1.       Voluntary attendance/participation on activity Saturdays and in school co-curricular activities, w.e.f commencement of Second Term.

2.       Full study leave to start from last Monday of January.



At The BGESS, we don't believe in enforcing stringent rules and regulations on a student, but rules which are meaningful and conducive to the development of the student. Students are given two warnings on breaking a rule and their parents are informed. But repetition of the same action is strictly dealt with and disciplinary actions are taken against the students.

Students are required to bring the School Diary to school every day. They are advised to keep their identity cards with them even outside school.

Any actions on the part of students/or guardian detrimental to the interest of the Institution will be considered as indiscipline and will be dealt