School UDISE (Unified District Information System for Education) CODE NO 19170107320
HELPLINE   033-4019-6666
Time 1000h to 1430h




Minimum Age Required as on 31 March of the year of Admission.

Nursery : 3 Years Completed.

Class 1 : 6 Years Completed.

Add one year for each subsequent Class.

Manipulating date of birth to suite the criteria above is an offence.

If the information provided in the application is found to be misinterpreted/ misrepresented/ inaccurate/ false/ or manipulated, the school retains the discretion to refund any fees paid.

Right of admission to school reserved by the school.

Student Falling Sick During School Hours

The School has very limited expertise on the school premises to deal with medical emergencies and sickness as also only the FIRST AID KIT Medicines are available. Therefore children complaining of sickness should not be sent to school. For immediate attention we have a doctor available in the vicinity who tries to come immediately to our aid. Serious cases are immediately referred to the Shambhunath Pandit Hospital. The sickroom in the school is not a rest room for the students. After coming into the sickroom the children are asked to be taken home and are not allowed to join classes after some time. As and when a child falls sick he/ she is sent to call up his/ her parents along with a sick release note ( available in the school diary) issued by the teacher present in the class. After making the call the child is made to rest in the sick room and given first aid. On arrival of the escort he / she is released to go home after getting the sick release slip signed from the Principal / Deputy Headmistress. If a doctor is called or consulted it is expected that the payment of the same be made by the parents. Please note that as and when a child leaves school due the sickness he / she is marked absent for the day.


Parents are to apply for Informed absence as per Standard procedure to regularise the absence, stating “RELEASED FROM SCHOOL ON MEDICAL GROUND' as reason/remark.

From the Principal's desk

Welcome to The BGES School website. I appreciate your interest in The BGES, and I hope you will enjoy your time here learning about its members.

Brij Bhushan Singh Principal
House System

The school has four houses named after famous national leaders Tagore, Patel, Nehru and Gandhi.

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Beyond Class rooms Download School Prospectus Virtual Tour

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