School UDISE (Unified District Information System for Education) CODE NO 19170107320
HELPLINE   033-4019-6666
Time 1000h to 1430h


Break Detention




A System for Improvement in Self Discipline 


A system of Break assignment is effective in the school. Students involved in breach of discipline will be asked by the concerned teacher to write an essay on the indicated topic on the format given overleaf. The essay will be written during the break in the 1st Floor Language Room, Supervised by two prefects detailed by the Head Boy and Head Girl on a roster basis. The student will be expected to come to the room within five minutes of break bell along with his/ her tiffin. The student will have his / her tiffin while completing the essay. At the end of the break the Prefect on duty will draw a line where the essay ends and sign the date. In case the essay is incomplete the same will be completed next day during the break. Once completed the student will get the same signed by the parent / guardian and submit to the teacher who asked him/ her to write the essay. 



STUDENT :……………………………................……………DATE :………......…………………......



ISSUED BY……………………………………………....………..............................................................................



ESSAY DUE……………………................……. I want a short essay telling me why you should not do the following:


Push Yell Argue Harass Throw items Fight Use Slang Annoy Others shows Disrespect Make Noise Other misdemeanors.


There is no assigned length to the essay, however it has to be well thought out, appropriate, and in a sentence, paragraph form.


Remember to include: Who, what, when where, why and how Date your Paper.


Name must be on paper


Parent Signature is required on the complete essay Parental comments are welcomed.


______________________________________                               _______________________________________


Student's Signature                                                                        Teacher's Signature ( issued by after correction)


______________________________________                              _________________________________________


Parent's Signature                                                                                Break Duty Prefect's Signature with Date


To be sent to the Class Teacher for filling in the Class Discipline File




From the Principal's desk

Welcome to The BGES School website. I appreciate your interest in The BGES, and I hope you will enjoy your time here learning about its members.

Brij Bhushan Singh Principal
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